Search Results

Searching for Subject: Ciechanow

Search Result Count: 6 Matches
RG 28: Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection.
Leaflets, posters, and other documents related to political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities
RG 120: Territorial Photographic Collection. Poland.
Thousands of photographs of Jewish life in Poland before WWII
RG 335.7: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Subgroup: JDC Landsmanshaftn Department. Records.
Records of the Landsmanshaftn Department of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, established to enlist the cooperation of landsmanshaftn in the AJDC's reconstruction program in Eastern Europe
RG 1343: Kipnis, Menachem
125 photographs of Jewish life in Poland during the 1930s taken in some 30 communities. Subjects include: occupations such as coach drivers, street peddlers and street musicians, and scenes of life in the streets of Poland's cities and towns.

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