Search Results for "wołomin"

Search Result Count: 7 Matches
RG 25: Vaad Hayeshivot, Vilna (Vilna). Records.
Records of an organization that provided financial and spiritual assistance to a network of 70 yeshivot in the five Eastern provinces of Poland
RG 116 POLAND 1: Territorial Collection. Poland 1. (Pre WWII)
Printed materials, posters, correspondence, and fragmentary personal papers and records of institutions related to Polish Jewish life before WWII
FINDING AID Territorial Collection, Poland 1 (RG 116-Poland1 FA)
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RG 120: Territorial Photographic Collection. Poland.
Thousands of photographs of Jewish life in Poland before WWII
RG 1270: Kacyzne, Alter (1885-1941). Papers.
Photographs of Jewish life in Poland in the 1920s-1930s
Wolomin. 'Malke-Raizl with her daughters.' (RG 1270_606)
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Wolomin. A Jewish woman, Rimer's wife. (RG 1270_539)
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Wolomin. Zelig, the tailor, at work. (RG 1270_332)
. . . wołomin. . .

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