Excerpt from the Minutes of the Synagogue of Plock, about a Blood LIbel against the Plock Jewish Community which occurred in 1754.
Excerpt from the Minutes of the Synagogue of Plock, about a Blood LIbel against the Plock Jewish Community which occurred in 1754.
Text translated and excerpted into Polish from the original 1792 Hebrew synagogue records in Plock. The text is about the persecution and murder of a member of the Plock Jewish community as a result of a blood libel in which Jews were accused of killing a Christian child. The event took place in 1754. The governor of Plock, Tamasz Debowski, was instrumental in spreading the accusation against the Jewish community of Plock. The Polish excerpt from the 1792 synagogue records were sent to Simon Dubnow at the end of the 19th or beginning of the 20th century.