Search Results

Searching for Subject: Educational Organizations

Search Result Count: 4 Matches
RG 1.3: YIVO - Yidisher Visnshaftlekher Institut (Vilna). Subgroup: Aspirantur. Records.
Research papers written by students in YIVO's graduate studies program in Vilna before WWII
RG 11: VILBIG (Vilner yiddisher bildungs gezelshaft), Vilna. Records.
Records of an organization in Vilna that promoted secular Yiddish education
RG 25: Vaad Hayeshivot, Vilna (Vilna). Records.
Records of an organization that provided financial and spiritual assistance to a network of 70 yeshivot in the five Eastern provinces of Poland
COLLECTION Vaad Hayeshivot (025)
RG 48: TSYSHO (Tsentrale Yidishe Shul Organizatsye), Vilna. Records.
Records of the Tsentrale Yidishe Shul Organizatsye (Central Yiddish School Organization), a secular Yiddish school system active in Poland from 1921 to ca. 1940

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