Complaint about curriculum
Complaint about curriculum
Memorandum sent by 17 students of a Tarbut pedagogical courses in Vilna, to the central committee of Tarbut (Culture, a network Hebrew educational institutions) in Warsaw, outlining serious faults with the curriculum. Their main complaints are about the organization of the courses and the uneven quality of attendees at the lectures. The memo is written in a cordial tone, and the writers stress the hope that their leaving the program will not burden the Tarbut organization (which they still admire) in any way. They suggest that, instead, they be permitted to enroll in the Tarbut Seminary courses, which, while not of a pedagogical nature, will provide them with the thorough educational background they need to be teachers. Maybe those who do not have the time to devote to their studies and to deepen their Jewish education should continue with the strictly pedagogical courses, but they themselves have left teaching positions in order to attend the program and want to get as much out of it as possible.