"How long will you remain unconcerned?"
"How long will you remain unconcerned?"
Anti-Yiddishist and Bundist leaflet issued by Poalei Agudas Israel in Vilna urging Jewish workers to support the schools of the religious workers parties. The Yiddishists today are no better than the assimilationist followers of Moses Mendelssohn were long ago. Their emphasis on Yiddish is just a cover for their "true, devilish intentions." Up until now, they have only succeeded in bringing "naive, overexcited, hysterical youths" over to their side, but what they really want is to alienate Jewish workers from their religion so that they will be easier to mislead. The new Yiddish schools are not really meant to promote Yiddish, but instead are designed to prevent workers' children from learning Hebrew, thus making them ignorant of Torah, and ignorant in general.