Search Results
Searching for Subject: Jewish Neighborhoods
Search Result Count: 19 Matches
- RG 120: Territorial Photographic Collection. Poland.
- Gabin, 1914-1918. The busy market square. (yarg120po816)
- Lodz, 1930s. A street scene, in the Baluty neighborhood. (RG 120 PO 1772)
- Lukow, 1926. Lukow's widest and busiest street; almost all its inhabitants were Jews. (yarg120po_forwardf2083_42719)
- Vilna, 1923. At the shul-hoyf, the poor beg for alms. (yarg120po_forward42123)
- RG 1160: Reiss, Lionel S. (1894-1987). Papers.
- RG 1343: Kipnis, Menachem
Thousands of photographs of Jewish life in Poland before WWII
Drawings, sketches, charcoals, and watercolors depicting scenes of Jewish life in Eastern Europe
125 photographs of Jewish life in Poland during the 1930s taken in some 30 communities. Subjects include: occupations such as coach drivers, street peddlers and street musicians, and scenes of life in the streets of Poland's cities and towns.