Search Results
Searching for Subject: Art & Artifacts -- Artworks
Search Result Count: 50 Matches
- RG 3: Yiddish Literature and Language. Records.
- RG 1160: Reiss, Lionel S. (1894-1987). Papers.
- Before a Lemberger Synagogue, 1921 (ya-rg1160-031)
- Carpenter Waiting for Job-Wilno, undated (ya-rg1160-006)
- Chelm Courtyard, undated (ya-rg1160-092)
- Curb Gossips, 1921 (ya-rg1160-012)
- Curb Merchandise-Radom, 1921 (ya-rg1160-027)
- Glasser Gass-Wilno-#1, undated (ya-rg1160-086)
- Glasser Gass-Wilno-#2, undated (ya-rg1160-087)
- Glasser Gass-Wilno-#3, undated (ya-rg1160-088)
- Glasser Gass-Wilno-#4, undated (ya-rg1160-089)
- Gravestone Carver-Poland, 1922 (ya-rg1160-042)
- Hasidic Boy, undated (ya-rg1160-053)
- Jew from Chelm, 1922 (ya-rg1160-048)
- Jew from Lublin, 1922 (ya-rg1160-052)
- Jew from Warsaw, 1922 (ya-rg1160-049)
- Jewish Girl-Cracow, 1921 (ya-rg1160-050)
- Jewish Woman-Tarnapol, 1932 (ya-rg1160-077)
- Klezmorim, undated (ya-rg1160-105)
- Knife Grinder, undated (ya-rg1160-007)
- Lublin Courtyard, undated (ya-rg1160-091)
- Lublin Ghetto Arch #1, undated (ya-rg1160-084)
- Lublin Glasier, 1921 (ya-rg1160-040)
- Market Transaction, 1921 (ya-rg1160-030)
- Market Types, 1921 (ya-rg1160-034)
- Memory of Cracow, 1922 (ya-rg1160-102)
- Mitzvah Dance #1, 1922 (ya-rg1160-045)
- Mitzvah Dance #2, 1922 (ya-rg1160-046)
- Mourners, 1921 (ya-rg1160-028)
- Music-Warsaw, 1921 (ya-rg1160-101)
- Old Shoes-Wilno, 1921 (ya-rg1160-002)
- Patches, undated (ya-rg1160-010)
- Peasant and Jew-Poland, 1921 (ya-rg1160-039)
- Polish Jew-Lodz, 1922 (ya-rg1160-057)
- Prayer Shawls and Books, 1921 (ya-rg1160-004)
- Reb Motelle, 1921 (ya-rg1160-022)
- Resting Jew, 1921 (ya-rg1160-003)
- Shop in Lemberg, 1921 (ya-rg1160-013)
- Stetle [shtetl] Water Carrier, 1921 (ya-rg1160-038)
- Street Fiddler, 1922 (ya-rg1160-061)
- Study-Mother and Child-Lodz, 1921 (ya-rg1160-025)
- Talmud Student-Bialystok, 1922 (ya-rg1160-059)
- Two Studies of a Bialystoker Jew, 1921 (ya-rg1160-033)
- Ulica Josefa-Warsaw, 1921 (ya-rg1160-019)
- Vegetables, undated (ya-rg1160-009)
- Village Bal Agalah [Wagon Driver], 1921 (ya-rg1160-020)
- Vilno Courtyard, 1921 (ya-rg1160-014)
- Wilno Courtyard, 1921 (ya-rg1160-036)
- Wilno Synagogue, undated (ya-rg1160-090)
- Wood Turner, undated (ya-rg1160-082)
- Yadkowa [Jatkowa], Wilno, 1921 (ya-rg1160-015)
Manuscripts by and biographical materials on Jewish writers and scholars, as well as other materials about Yiddish language and literature
Drawings, sketches, charcoals, and watercolors depicting scenes of Jewish life in Eastern Europe