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Searching for Subject: Education

Search Result Count: 341 Matches
RG 1.1: YIVO - Yidisher Visnshaftlekher Institut (Vilna).  Subgroup: Administration. Records.
Administrative records of the YIVO Institute in Vilna from 1925 to 1941, including records of the Psychological-Pedagogical and Philological Sections, materials on exhibitions, and correspondence with well-known scholars and Jewish cultural figures.
RG 1.2: YIVO - Yidisher Visnshaftlekher Institut (Vilna). Subgroup:  Ethnographic Committee. Records.
Materials on folklore, ethnography, and linguistics collected by YIVO in Vilna before WWII
"Two Couplets" (RG
RG 1.3: YIVO - Yidisher Visnshaftlekher Institut (Vilna). Subgroup: Aspirantur. Records.
Research papers written by students in YIVO's graduate studies program in Vilna before WWII
RG 3: Yiddish Literature and Language. Records.
Manuscripts by and biographical materials on Jewish writers and scholars, as well as other materials about Yiddish language and literature
RG 10: Vilna Jewish Community Council. Records.
Records of the administration of the Jewish community in Vilna from 1800 to 1940
RG 11: VILBIG (Vilner yiddisher bildungs gezelshaft), Vilna. Records.
Records of an organization in Vilna that promoted secular Yiddish education
RG 13: Ostrowo Jewish Community Council. Records.
Synagogue seat contracts, brit (circumcision) and marriage registers, school and vocational apprenticeship records, and other documents
RG 14: Krotoszyn Jewish Community Council. Records.
Records on taxation and communal administration, birth and marriage records, materials about the community's religious school, and other documents
RG 21: ORT Vocational School (Vilna). Records.
Records of a vocational school founded in Vilna in 1921 to train young people in the fields of mechanics and electrical maintenance
RG 22: Hevrah Mefitsei Haskalah Society (Vilna). Records.
Records of the Vilna branch of the Society for the Promotion of Culture Among the Jews of Russia, founded in St. Petersburg in 1863 to disseminate Russian language and culture among the Jews
RG 23: Tarbut Hebrew Teachers' Seminary (Vilna). Records.
Records of a seminary that trained teachers for the Hebrew elementary school system in Poland
RG 24: Rabbinical School and Teachers' Seminary, Vilna. Records.
Records of the Rabbinical School and Teachers' Institute, one of several Jewish state schools established in the Russian Empire in 1847 in order to undermine and replace the traditional heder system of education
RG 25: Vaad Hayeshivot, Vilna (Vilna). Records.
Records of an organization that provided financial and spiritual assistance to a network of 70 yeshivot in the five Eastern provinces of Poland
RG 28: Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection.
Leaflets, posters, and other documents related to political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities
RG 28P: Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection. Posters.
Posters advertising political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities
RG 29: Vilna. Collection.
Records of Jewish organizations and institutions; official government, municipal, and legal documents; memoirs of the German occupation, and other documents chronicling the life of the Jewish community in Vilna
RG 48: TSYSHO (Tsentrale Yidishe Shul Organizatsye), Vilna. Records.
Records of the Tsentrale Yidishe Shul Organizatsye (Central Yiddish School Organization), a secular Yiddish school system active in Poland from 1921 to ca. 1940
Geography notebook (RG 48 misc 002)
Science notebook (RG 48 misc 003)
Science notebook (RG 48 misc 004)
RG 49: CHOJREW (Vilna). Records.
Records of the Central Committee for Religious Education, an educational organization that maintained a network of Orthodox Jewish schools for boys of all ages
RG 50: Yidisher Lerer Fareyn (Vilna). Records.
Records of the Yiddish Teachers' Union, a professional association in Vilna which promoted the interests of its member teachers and was ideologically associated with the Yiddish secular school network known as TSYSHO
RG 51: Sofia M. Gurevitch Gymnasium (Vilna). Records.
Records related to the activities of a secular Jewish high school (est.1906), which began as a Russian-language school but shifted to Yiddish after WWI
RG 52: Jewish State Schools in the Vilna School District. Records.
Records of Jewish state schools established in the Russian Empire in 1847 in order to undermine and replace the traditional heder system of education
RG 54: Jewish Deaf-Mute Association of Poland. Records.
Records of an organization established to work for the interests of Jews with hearing disabilities
RG 56: Vilna Chief of Police. Records.
Fragmentary records of the office of the Vilna Chief of Police, including dossiers on people suspected of revolutionary activities
RG 58: Lunski, Khaykel. Papers.
Papers of the librarian of the Strashun Library, including copies of rare manuscripts, research materials for scholarship, and correspondence
FINDING AID Khaykl Lunski (RG 58 FA)
RG 87: Dubnow, Simon (1860-1941). Papers.
Rare historical documents and research materials from the collection of the great historian Simon Dubnow (1860-1941), seminal scholar of Jewish history in Eastern Europe
RG 101: Art and Artifacts. Collection.
Original art works, reproductions, and historical artifacts, including costume and stage designs; political cartoons; and Jewish ceremonial art
RG 115: Max and Frieda Weinstein Archives of Recorded Sound. Collection.
Rare recordings of Jewish music and oral history interviews with Jews from Poland
RG 116 POLAND 1: Territorial Collection. Poland 1. (Pre WWII)
Printed materials, posters, correspondence, and fragmentary personal papers and records of institutions related to Polish Jewish life before WWII
"Appeal to our Jewish brothers" (RG 116 Poland
"Program of the children's ball" (RG 116 Poland
RG 120: Territorial Photographic Collection. Poland.
Thousands of photographs of Jewish life in Poland before WWII
RG 126: Genealogy and Family History. Collection.
Papers of individuals and families; genealogical charts; family histories; birth, marriage, and death certificates; military service passes; diplomas; passports; memoirs; diaries; oral history interviews; and photographs
School diploma (RG
RG 356: Shatzky, Jacob (1893-1956). Papers.
Papers of the historian, writer, lecturer, lexicographer, bibliographer, and editor, including correspondence, materials and notes for articles, and bibliographies
COLLECTION Jacob Shatzky (356)
RG 448: Cohen, Israel (1879-1961). Papers.
Papers of the Jewish writer and journalist, including reports on the pogroms of 1918-1919 in Ukraine
RG 898: United Brisker Relief. Records.
Records of a landsmanshaft affiliated with the hometown of Brzesc nad Bugiem
RG 1160: Reiss, Lionel S.  (1894-1987). Papers.
Drawings, sketches, charcoals, and watercolors depicting scenes of Jewish life in Eastern Europe
RG 1270: Kacyzne, Alter (1885-1941). Papers.
Photographs of Jewish life in Poland in the 1920s-1930s
RG 1343: Kipnis, Menachem
125 photographs of Jewish life in Poland during the 1930s taken in some 30 communities. Subjects include: occupations such as coach drivers, street peddlers and street musicians, and scenes of life in the streets of Poland's cities and towns.

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