Search Results

Searching for Subject: Hrodna

Search Result Count: 60 Matches
RG 1.2: YIVO - Yidisher Visnshaftlekher Institut (Vilna). Subgroup:  Ethnographic Committee. Records.
Materials on folklore, ethnography, and linguistics collected by YIVO in Vilna before WWII
RG 28: Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection.
Leaflets, posters, and other documents related to political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities
Matzoh Day (RG 28. Grodno 2.2)
Matzoh ration coupon (RG 28. Grodno 6.3)
RG 28P: Poland (Vilna Archives) Collection. Posters.
Posters advertising political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities
RG 29: Vilna. Collection.
Records of Jewish organizations and institutions; official government, municipal, and legal documents; memoirs of the German occupation, and other documents chronicling the life of the Jewish community in Vilna
RG 56: Vilna Chief of Police. Records.
Fragmentary records of the office of the Vilna Chief of Police, including dossiers on people suspected of revolutionary activities
RG 116 POLAND 1: Territorial Collection. Poland 1. (Pre WWII)
Printed materials, posters, correspondence, and fragmentary personal papers and records of institutions related to Polish Jewish life before WWII
"Important announcement" (RG 116 Poland
"Program of the children's ball" (RG 116 Poland
RG 120: Territorial Photographic Collection. Poland.
Thousands of photographs of Jewish life in Poland before WWII
RG 1270: Kacyzne, Alter (1885-1941). Papers.
Photographs of Jewish life in Poland in the 1920s-1930s

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