Guide to the Records of Rabbinical School and Teachers’ Institute, Vilna,  1947-1914, RG 24

Processed by Marek Web under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1980. Finding aid edited, encoded and posted online thanks to a grant from the Gruss Lipper Family Foundation.

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
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New York, NY 10011

© 2006 YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. All rights reserved.

Electronic finding aid was converted to EAD version 2002 by Yakov Sklyar in November 2006.  EAD finding aid customized in ARCHON in 2012. Description is in English.

Collection Overview

Title: Guide to the Records of Rabbinical School and Teachers’ Institute, Vilna,  1947-1914, RG 24

ID: RG 24 FA

Creator: Rabbinical School

Extent: 22.0 Linear Feet


In 1980 the records were arranged and an inventory was prepared under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The records, registered as consist of correspondence, reports, memoranda, financial records, printed materials, diplomas, certificates relating to all aspects of the schools’ activities.

The Rabbinical School and Teachers’ Institute's records were maintained in a manner similar to all records generated by the Russian tsarist bureaucracy. The pages were bound, sewn together, titled, described by the school registrar and deposited in the school archives. Their arrangement in the original archives was chronological.

When the collection was arranged in 1980, it was decided not to cut open the volumes which had been bound, and to keep the records, as much as possible, in the order in which they had been generated by the school administration. The basis for the present arrangement is therefore chronological. Sometimes variations in the chronological order occure.

An original inventory of the records compiled at the Teachers’ Institute in 1914, and covering the time period 1847-1914, was received by the YIVO Institute in Vilna at the time when the records were transferred to the YIVO Archives. However, not all records described therein are in the present collection. A large portion of the archive remains in Vilna and is deposited at the Central Historical Archives of Lithuania.

Languages: Russian, Hebrew


The Rabbinical School and Teachers’ Seminary in Vilna was one of two Jewish state schools established in the Russian Empire in 1847 to train state appointed (kazionnye) rabbis and teachers for Jewish elementary state schools in the Pale of Settlement. The purpose of these schools was to undermine and replace the traditional *kheyder* system of education. The other such school was in Zhitomir. The state schools were unpopular because of their assimilationist policies. The Vilna Rabbinical School was closed in 1873, but the Teachers' Seminary remained in existence until 1914.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The collection is divided in two series:

1) Records of the Rabbinical School, 1847-1873. Administrative records include correspondence with Curator of the Vilna School District, Governor General of Vilna, Ministry of Education, St. Petersburg. Correspondence relates to the following topics: courses; appointment of teachers; school finances; teachers' affairs. Other records include financial reports, minutes of the Pedagogical Council. Files of students and teachers, lists of textbooks examination records. lists of towns and firms paying taxes for the support of the school, 1854-1855 materials relating to the closing of the Rabbinical School.

2) Records of the Teachers' Seminary (through 1914). Correspondence with the Ministry of Education, the Vilna School District. Materials relating to the candle taxes, 1874. Financial records. Hiring of teachers and officials. Teachers' record books. Student affairs. Graduation certificates. Curricula, reports. List of students. Book of student grades. Reports on school work. Lists of permitted and prohibited books. Examination lists.

Historical Note

In 1844, as part of a plan to undermine the kheyder system of education, Tsar Nicholas I of Russia passed a decree establishing state schools for Jewish children. Two types of schools were organized: a class I schools with a two-year program and a class II schools with a three and four-year program.

In 1847 the Rabbinical Schools of Vilna and Zhitomir were founded, as part of the educational reforms. The school in Vilna consisted of two divisions: a) a pedagogical section which trained teachers for Jewish state schools, b) a Rabbinical section which prepared state Rabbis.

The Rabbinical school offered a 4 year course on the secondary or “gymnasium” level. The director of the school was a Christian, but the supervisor for Jewish religious subjects was Jewish.

A percentage of the Jewish candle and meat tax was used for the financial upkeep of the schools. Rabbinical students enjoyed certain benefits, such as exemption from military service and from some taxes.

Because of the assimilationist policies these state schools were not favorably viewed by the Jewish population, and the Rabbinical school was not popular. In 1873 it was closed and only the pedagogical division continued its work. The Teachers’ Institute offered a four-year course to prepare teachers for service in the Jewish state elementary schools. It was staffed entirely by Christians except for the mathematics teacher and the teachers for Jewish subjects. The Teachers’ Institute was closed in 1914.

Subject/Index Terms

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions: Open to researchers by appointment with the Chief Archivist, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011.  email:

Related Materials: Related records in the YIVO Archives are Records of the Vilna School District which pertain to the Jewish state schools in the Russian empire (Record Group 48).

Preferred Citation: Published citations should read as follows:Identification of item, date (if known); YIVO Archives; Records of the Rabbinical School and Teachers’ Institute, Vilna; RG 24; folder number.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

Series I: Records of the Rabbinical School, 1847-1873,
Series II: Records of the Teachers' Institute, 1847-1914,

Series II: Records of the Teachers' Institute, 1847-1914
Records of the Teachers' Seminary (through 1914) includes correspondence with the Ministry of Education, the Vilna School District. Materials relating to the candle taxes, 1874. Financial records. Hiring of teachers and officials. Teachers' record books. Student affairs. Graduation certificates. Curricula, reports. List of students. Book of student grades. Reports on school work. Lists of permitted and prohibited books. Examination lists.
Arrangement: Chronological
Folder 158: Correspondence and documents relating to the opening of the Jewish Teacher’s Institute, 1873
Folder 159: Inquiries by former student of the Rabbinical School; accounts, certificates, 1873-1874
Folder 160: Examination sheets; graduation certificates; acceptance of applicants to the Teachers’ Institute, 1873
Folder 161: Correspondence, lists of books of the former Rabbinical School; lists of permitted and prohibited books, 1875-1896
Folder 162: Certificates to former students of the Rabbinical School; comprehensive report on the establishment and state of the institute before 1873, undated
Folder 163: Financial and economic reports on the closed Rabbinical School, 1873
Folder 164: Documents relating to the opening of the Teachers’ Institute and of the preparatory school, 1873
Folder 165: Requests by former students of the Rabbinical School for release of their personal documents; correspondence from the Ministry of Education and other government offices, 1873-1879
Folder 166: Curricula; correspondence from the Vilna School District and from the teaching personnel, 1873-1896
Folder 167: Requests and correspondence concerning subsidies and pensions for teachers and officials of the former Rabbinical School as well as their widows and orphans, 1873-1896
Folder 168: Merit awards for officials and teachers, questionnaire containing personal information on recipients of awards, 1873-1903
Folder 169: Correspondence relating to Kikolai Ratnowsky, Teachers’ Institute, 1873-1893
Folder 170: Announcements by the Vilna School District to the Institute concerning students barred from various schools, universities, institutes and seminaries (some of them exiled), in many instances for anti-government, revolutionary activities, 1873-1899
Folder 171: Forms and correspondence about length of service and advancement to higher official positions by teachers and officials, 1873-1910
Folder 172: General report on the Teachers’ Institute, 1874
Folder 173: Materials relating to candle taxes, 1874
Folder 174: Materials relating to candle taxes, 1874
Folder 175: “Voluntary” donations for various purposes given by the personnel and students of the Institute, 1875-1897
Folder 176: Materials relating to Mark Nemzer, former teacher at the Rabbinical School, 1873-1890
Folder 177: Materials relating to appointment of Dr. Ludwig Samelson as the resident physician at the Institute, 1873-1914
Folder 178: Cash book of the Institute and of the preparatory school for the second half of the year, 1873
Folder 179: Circulars and correspondence from the Vilna School District, 1873-1879
Folder 180: Materials relating to the appointment of teachers of drawing and calligraphy, 1873-1885
Folder 181: Materials relating to prohibited books found on three students of the Institute, 1875
Folder 182: Materials relating to transfer from the former Rabbinical School to the account of the Institute Scholarship Fund established in memory of Alexander II, 1873-1905
Folder 183: Materials relating to auction of used articles belonging to the Institute, 1875-1891
Folder 184: Materials relating to appointment of a teacher of history and geography, 1878
Folder 185: Accounts and correspondence concerning the income from candle taxes, 1878
Folder 186: Materials relating to loans from the Ministry of Education to the Institute advanced on future income from candle taxes, 1878
Folder 187: Accounts and correspondence relating to income and expenditures of the Institute, 1878-1879
Folder 188: Materials relating to Institute courses for teachers at Jewish government schools, lists of teachers and certificates issued to them, 1878
Folder 189: Food provisions for students, 1878, 1881
Folder 190: Materials relating to a student prohibited from giving private lessons, 1877-1878
Folder 191: Report on the Institute, 1877
Folder 192: Materials relating to graduates of 1879; certificates; nominations for teaching positions, 1879
Folder 193: Materials relating to appointment of teachers and officials, 1879
Folder 194: Materials relating to supplementary courses taken at the Institute by teachers at Jewish government schools, 1879
Folder 195: Material relating to the increase of student supervision, 1879
Folder 196: Materials relating to appointment of a cantor for the synagogue at the Institute and of a supervisor to ensure student participation in the prayers, 1879
Folder 197: Certificates of preparatory school graduates; examination lists; reports on the Institute, the library, and the preparatory classes, undated
Folder 198: Accounts of the candle taxes, 1879
Folder 199: Materials relating to a debt of the former Rabbinical School, 1880
Folder 200: Request; examination booklets; comments on individual students, 1868-1914
Folder 201: Accounts relating to building renovation official government newspaper, 1879-1880
Folder 202: Materials relating to general matters, 1881
Folder 203: Materials relating to student matters, 1881
Folder 204: Materials relating to engagement of teachers and officials, 1881
Folder 205: Materials relating to appointment of officials, 1881-1882
Folder 206: Graduation certificates, 1881
Folder 207: Materials relating to graduates, 1882
Folder 208: Financial reports, 1882
Folder 209: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1882
Folder 210: Reports on the administration of the Institute, student progress, schoolwork, 1882
Folder 211: Monthly financial report, 1883
Folder 212: Requests by former students; correspondence from the Vilna School District, 1881-1911
Folder 213: Financial report for the years, 1883, 1884
Folder 214: Materials relating to the appointment of a teacher, 1883
Folder 215: Circulars from the Vilna School District, one of them relating to revolutionary Literature in Hebrew; certificates; examination lists; report, 1883
Folder 216: Correspondence relating to appointment of Magister Barsky as director, 1883
Folder 217: Correspondence relating to organization of savings and loan office for employees, 1883
Folder 218: Materials relating to graduates, 1883-1884
Folder 219: Certificates for students at the Class I School; requests for release of certain documents, 1884
Folder 220: Circulars from the Vilna School District; certificates; examination lists of the Class I School, 1883-1884
Folder 221: Materials relating to engagement of new teachers, 1884
Folder 222: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1884
Folder 223: Reports on the Institute, 1884-1885
Folder 224: Materials relating to reorganization of the bookkeeping system, 1884-1886
Folder 225: Lists of students; graduation certificates; requests by students for permits for living quarters, 1885
Folder 226: Circulars from the Vilna School District; certificates; examination lists; report on the Institute, 1885
Folder 227: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1885
Folder 228: Accounts relating to candle taxes, 1886
Folder 229: Correspondence, reports, inventories relating to the transfer of students and properties of the closed institute in Zhitomir to the Institute in Vilna. (According to the Czar’s decree of November 28, 1885 the school in Zhitomir was active up to the end of the academic year, 1885-1886.), 1886-1889
Folder 230: Reports on the Institute, 1886
Folder 231: Examination lists, 1885-1886
Folder 232: Book of students’ grades, 1886-1887
Folder 233: Materials relating to graduates, 1887
Folder 234: Accounts relating to candle taxes, 1887
Folder 235: Materials relating to return of government property, used by former students and employees of the Institute, 1886-1887
Folder 236: Materials relating to curricula for various classes, 1887-1888
Folder 237: Correspondence relating to appointment of Vassili Retrovitch Sparsky as director of the Institute; documents relating to transfer of the accounts to the new director; teachers’ reports; correspondence from the Vilna School District, 1887-1912
Folder 238: Materials relating to curricula for the Jewish Teachers’ Institutes and the government schools; instructions on their administration, 1883-1894
Folder 239: Documents and reports concerning the property of the Institute and the elementary school, 1886-1906
Folder 240: Materials relating to graduates, 1882-1883
Folder 241: Materials relating to the appointment of teachers, 1888
Folder 242: Materials relating to graduates, 1888-1889
Folder 243: Circulars from the Vilna School District; certificates and examination lists of the preparatory schools, 1886-1888
Folder 244: Information on various matters taken from the archives of the former Rabbinical School, 1884-1904
Folder 245: Reports on the Institute, 1887-1890
Folder 246: Materials relating to a fire in the Institute building, 1889
Folder 247: Accounts of the candle taxes, 1889
Folder 248: Examination lists; reports on the Institute, 1891
Folder 249: Materials relating to graduates, 1891-1892
Folder 250: Materials relating to singing and music classes, 1889-1910
Folder 251: Materials relating to military exercise training, 1889-1898
Folder 252: Examination lists; certificates; report, 1890
Folder 253: Materials relating to graduates of the elementary school, 1890-1895
Folder 254: Materials relating to graduates of the Institute, 1899
Folder 255: Materials relating to the public sale of Institute property, 1893
Folder 256: Materials relating to candle taxes, 1892
Folder 257: Correspondence relating to appointment of a teacher and an official, 1892-1893
Folder 258: Examination lists; certificates, 1892
Folder 259: Correspondence and personal documents relating to graduates, 1893
Folder 260: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1893
Folder 261: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1893
Folder 262: Materials relating to sanitary conditions of the Institute; examination lists for the students of the preparatory school, 1892-1893
Folder 263: Material relating to graduates, 1893-1894
Folder 264: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1894
Folder 265 a: Materials relating to the appointment of new teachers, 1894
Folder 265 b: Correspondence relating to appointment of Hayyim (Nahum) Broda as an honorary supervisor of the preparatory school, 1897
Folder 266: The introduction of arts and crafts, 1894
Folder 267: Correspondence relating to appointment of Hayyim (Nahum) Broda as an honorary supervisor of the preparatory school, 1897
Folder 268: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1897
Folder 269: Materials relating to the appointment of a secretary and a dentist for the Institute, 1897
Folder 270: Diplomas and other personal and official documents of graduates, 1897
Folder 271: Lists of kitchen supplies, 1896
Folder 272: Circulars, questionnaires and reports, 1897
Folder 273: Minutes of meetings of the Pedagogical Council, 1898
Folder 274: Materials relating to appointment of a mathematics teacher, 1898
Folder 275: Materials relating to the sum of 100 rubles for the former Rabbinical School, 1898-1914
Folder 276: Correspondence re: graduates, 1898
Folder 277: Circulars, correspondence, examination lists, certificates, 1898
Folder 278: Materials relating to an expelled student, 1899
Folder 279: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1899
Folder 280: Requests by students for release of personal documents, 1899
Folder 281: Materials relating to income from candle taxes, 1902-1903
Folder 282: Examination lists, statistical reports of the Institute and the preparatory school, 1901-1902
Folder 283: Accounts relating to supplies, 1902-1903
Folder 284: Records relating to financial matters, 1901-1914
Folder 285: Printed report of the Vilna School District, 1902
Folder 286: Miscellaneous correspondence
Folder 287: Correspondence relating to appointment of a drawing teacher, 1902-1910
Folder 288: Correspondence relating to an investigation, 1903-1904
Folder 289: Correspondence relating to admission of students, 1903-1907
Folder 290: Correspondence and other materials relating to public bids on provisions for the Institute, 1903
Folder 291: Miscellaneous records: teachers’ corrections of student work; drawings; printed report on the school system in the Vilna School District, 1903-1906
Folder 292: Materials relating to public bids, undated
Folder 293: Correspondence relating to contracting of renovation and repair work, 1904
Folder 294: Correspondence relating to admission of new students, 1904
Folder 295: Circulars; examination lists; diplomas, 1904
Folder 296: Correspondence relating to various school matters; some documents from the Rabbinical School, 1852-1861 are included, 1903-1916
Folder 297: Bound volume originally described as ‘miscellaneous”, 1905
Folder 298: Records relating to government awards for personnel, 1906-1909
Folder 299: Circulars from the Ministry of Education to the Vilna School District, 1905
Folder 300: Correspondence relating to school provisions, 1905
Folder 301: Records relating to candle taxes, 1905
Folder 302: Diplomas, requests, relating to graduates, 1905
Folder 303: Records relating to examinations and grades, 1905-1906
Folder 304: Circulars, correspondence, diplomas and statistical materials, 1905
Folder 305: Correspondence between the Institute and the Vilna School District, 1900-1907
Folder 306: Requests by students and their parents, 1905-1908
Folder 307: Correspondence from the Vilna School District, and from other school districts and schools; certificates on moral character and political attitudes of students and their families; requests by students and their families, 1906-1907
Folder 308: Circulars from the Vilna School District; diplomas, 1906
Folder 309: Correspondence with the School District and the police authorities, 1906
Folder 310: Correspondence relating to the closing of the Institute dormitory, 1906
Folder 311: Records relating to admission of students, 1906-1912
Folder 312: Records relating to temporary changes in the administration of the Institute, 1907
Folder 313: Replies to inquiries by the Institute concerning the moral behavior and political attitudes of students and their families, 1906
Folder 314: Circulars from the Vilna School District, 1906
Folder 315: Records relating to expenditures, 1906
Folder 316: Records relating to school finances, 1906
Folder 317: Minute book of the Pedagogical Council for a six month period, 1906
Folder 318: Official correspondence relating to three graduates, 1907-1913
Folder 319: Financial records, 1907
Folder 320: Circulars from the Vilna School District, 1907
Folder 321: Correspondence with the School District, 1907
Folder 322: Materials relating to graduates, 1907
Folder 323: Materials relating to the appointment of a teacher, 1907
Folder 324: Materials relating to admission of a student and appointment of a teacher, 1908-1912
Folder 325: Requests by students and parents; certificates, 1883-1909
Folder 326: Records relating to graduates, 1908
Folder 327: Examination lists, 1907-1908
Folder 328: Records related to admission of day students to the teachers’ examination, 1908
Folder 329: Records relating to admission of five students, 1908-1914
Folder 330: Records relating to money grant for a former assistant teacher at the preparatory school, 1909-1911
Folder 331: Financial records, 1909
Folder 332: Records relating to graduates, 1909
Folder 333: Records relating to admission of new students, 1907-1908
Folder 334: Records relating to admission of new students, 1907-1912
Folder 335: Records relating to examination and graduates, 1910
Folder 336: Records relating to requisitions for classroom supplies, 1910
Folder 337: Records relating to examination lists, requests, diplomas and other materials, 1910-1911
Folder 338: Records of expenditures, 1910
Folder 339: Records relating to furnishings in the administrative office, 1910
Folder 340: Records relating to permission for teachers to take leaves of absence, 1907-1910
Folder 341: Circulars from the Ministry of Education and from the Vilna School District, 1909-1910
Folder 342: Inquiries from officials about personal matters, 1910-1914
Folder 343: Fragments of teachers’ record books, c.1911
Folder 344: Records relating to admission to the Institute, 1909-1910
Folder 345: Announcement from and to the Vilna School District, 1910
Folder 346: Lists of undated documents drawn up by the Institute, 1910
Folder 347: Lists of documents and books from the archives selected for destruction, 1847-1907
Folder 348: Records relating to leaves of absence for officials and students, 1910
Folder 349: Records relating to money deposits by students, other financial matters, 1910
Folder 350: Applications for admission to the Institute, 1908-1910
Folder 351: Incoming correspondence, 1911
Folder 352: Records relating to students who did not complete their course of studies, 1911
Folder 353: Records relating to increase of teachers’ length of service,, 1911
Folder 354: Statements confirming political loyalty of school applicants, 1906-1911
Folder 355: Audit reports by the Vilna gubernatorial finance office, 1910-1912
Folder 356: Records relating to repair work at the Institute, 1912
Folder 357: Records relating to firewood supply, 1911-1912
Folder 358: Records relating to payment of pensions to teachers and students, 1911
Folder 359: Records relating to payment of stipends and bonuses to students and teachers, 1911
Folder 360: Correspondence originally marked “urgent matters”, 1911
Folder 361: Records relating to admission of students, 1911
Folder 362: Records relating to financial matters, 1911
Folder 363: Statistical reports by the class supervisors, 1911
Folder 364: Records relating to train discount tickets for students and employees, 1911
Folder 365: Records relating to the student Hayyim Kapelowicz, 1908-1912
Folder 366: Records relating to medals for distinguished teachers, 1910
Folder 367: Correspondence marked “no action to be taken”, 1912
Folder 368: Records relating to payment of salaries and other stipends to officials and students, 1912
Folder 369: Register of documents relating to payments made towards insurance on buildings and movable property, 1912
Folder 370: Correspondence with the students; requests for admission, 1910-1911
Folder 371: Correspondence of the Vilna School District with Shmuel-Yosef Fin; Correspondence from the teacher Feivel Bendlevich Getz and others, 1868-1913
Folder 372: Records relating to appointment of a physical education teacher, 1914
Folder 373: Applications for admission to the preparatory class of the Institute, 1875-1911
Folder 374: Requests by parents to be released from payment of the tuition fee, 1910-1914
Folder 375: Financial reports on income of the Institute, 1912
Folder 376: Records relating to the admission of students, 1902, 1909, 1912
Folder 377: Audit reports on the state of the library, classroom supplies and other school property, 1909, 1912
Folder 378: Records relating to orders for books and classroom supplies, 1912
Folder 379: Records relating to Jewish teachers in state schools, 1911
Folder 380: Bookkeeping books, 1912
Folder 381: Records relating to religious holidays and summer vacations, 1911, 1912
Folder 382: Requests by students for deferment of military service, undated
Folder 383: Statistical information on teaching personnel, number of students, absences and other internal matters, 1912
Folder 384: Applications for admission to the Institute, 1912
Folder 385: Correspondence and personal documents relating to four students, 1909-1913
Folder 386: Correspondence re teachers serving as consultants to the authorities, 1912
Folder 387: Orders for books, 1913
Folder 388: Records relating to financial cost of construction work, 1913
Folder 389: Monthly financial reports, 1913
Folder 390: Materials about charitable contributions by the students and teachers of the Institute, 1912-1913
Folder 391: Records relating to admission of six students and their graduation from the Institute, 1909-1914
Folder 392: Records relating to appointment of teachers of physics and natural science, 1902-1914
Folder 393: List of government appropriations granted, 1914
Folder 394: Records relating to tuition fees in the preparatory school, 1914
Folder 395: Records relating to vacations for the personnel and students, 1914-1915
Folder 396: An audit of the school inventories, 1914
Folder 397: Records relating to ordering of books and teaching aids, 1912-1914
Folder 398: Applications for admission, 1914
Folder 399: Correspondence marked “no action to be taken”, 1913-1914

Browse by Series:

Series I: Records of the Rabbinical School, 1847-1873,
Series II: Records of the Teachers' Institute, 1847-1914,

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